Are you hungry for more leads/organic traffic? Here's all you need to know. Optimize your website with the right keywords, focusing on relevant page titles, headers, and subheaders to rank and increase your SERP results.

Grow Your Business with Our SEO Services

Our professional SEO services are designed to align with your specific goals and requirements. From in-depth keyword research to meticulous technical optimizations, we craft customized strategies to elevate your online presence and secure top rankings on Google.

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SEO reporting
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CMS intergration
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organic performance tracking
Performance Tracking

Keyword Discovery

Choosing irrelevant keywords will help you appear in irrelevant searches, but that won’t create value for your organic traffic. Target the right audience by skillfully using niche-specific keywords. We ensure that your content aligns with relevant user search queries, driving targeted traffic to your website. Stay ahead of your competitors by carefully crafting keywords that improve your search engine rankings.

On-Page SEO

Increase your online presence by optimizing your website with proper on-page SEO strategies utilizing ranking factors and engaging web content. Create a personalized web experience and attract relevant web traffic using short- and long-term keywords. Improve your online visibility with our meticulous on-page SEO optimizations.

Off-Page SEO

Set up your brand credibility and increase online exposure with our off-page SEO strategies. Attract traffic from multiple high-authority online sources across the web. Through social media sharing, guest blogging, link building, local business listings, product/service directory listings, etc. Expand your horizons and attract users with our expert search engine optimization strategies.

Technical SEO

Improve your website's backend infrastructure with our technical SEO expert guidance. Impress your viewers with a mobile responsive website that is fast and secure. From optimizing page speed to fixing errors that hinder search engine crawlers, we ensure your website meets the standards for better visibility and rankings


We do adequate research and acquire high-quality backlinks from reputable sources to enhance your website's authority, visibility, and search engine rankings. Our dedicated link-building team establishes valuable connections with relevant websites, maximizing the impact of your SEO efforts.

result driven SEO company

Reputation Management

Our reputation management services help you maintain a stellar online presence, enhancing trust and credibility among your audience and minimizing your negative feedback.


Dedicated SEO Experts

We believe in simplifying the SEO process by providing a single point of contact who understands your business and unique needs.


Competitor analysis

Our experts can provide deep insights into your competitor's SEO success strategy. They can also compare and improve your SEO rankings to bring out the best in you.


Establish a strong brand presence

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Markteer analyze your overall website health?

Markteer provides complete insights into the website that help you to identify technical errors and build a high-speed online road to reach your visitors. It crawls through individual pages, prepares a to-do list of critical issues, and recommends fixes.

What type of landing pages do you design?

We can design any page requirement depending on the entrepreneurs' needs. We primarily design Static page layouts, Liquid design layouts, Adaptive website layouts, Dynamic website layouts, Responsive design layouts, and single-page layouts.

The complete SEO analysis report contains indexing issues, broken links, SEO problems, duplicate content, UX, UI design, mobile friendliness, website speed, etc., and recommends targeted actions.

What are Traffic Metrics Markteer Can Analyze and Track?

We monitor the company’s online performance on mobile/desktop with in-depth analytic reports.

Our traffic analytics discover overall visitors, unique visitors, per-page visitors, user visit duration, user engagement rate, and traffic sources; compare multiple trends and help us to develop strategies for building effective sales and marketing traffic for your website.

We also check competitors’ website performance and spot the differences with ease of use.

How do you do keyword research?

We do competitors' analyses, target the right audiences, and carefully craft industry-specific keywords.

We prefer to choose the relevant keywords to optimize the website, page titles, and headers, which helps to increase On-page and Off-page SEO ranking.

How do Markteer increase On-page SEO ranking?

We optimize the HTML source code of your web page along with the web content and create a personalized web experience that attracts relevant web traffic.

We use the right amount of long—and short-term keywords and optimize them with the website title tags and user intent content optimization. We also implement key onpage factors to increase our clients' On-page SEO ranking.

What is an Off page SEO, and how do you improve the Off-page SEO ranking of a website?

Off-page SEO is a marketing strategy applied outside of your website to improve your web page ranking within search engine results pages.

We build quality backlinks approaches to guest blogging, optimize for local SEO, regularly engage in social media sharing, enhance reviews, etc., and make a website more trustworthy and authoritative in the digital world.

What is competitor analysis, and how do you do it?

We identify the key market players, gain insights into their offerings, branding, marketing, and promotional strategies, and spot the differences. Markteer breaks down the competitors into four categories: Niche players, Game players, Established players, and Leaders, and evaluates our client's nearest competitor.

We research organic search, paid search, and local SEO competitors, track essential keywords, and assist you in every step of website SEO.


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